weapons maker Sig Sauer is facing a second lawsuit on suspicion of illegally
exporting guns to Latin America. A Mexican drug cartel member has confessed to
killing 12 people with one of its handguns.
anti-weapons campaigner Jürgen Grässlin has filed charges against Sig Sauer
after revelations that a Mexican drug cartel member used one of the company's
9mm handguns to kill 12 people - including a prominent human rights campaigner.
The charges
- on suspicion of illegal weapons exports - were filed following the release of
Chihuahua court documents about the 2010 murder of Marisela Escobedo. The
52-year-old woman became a prominent activist in Chihuahua after a man who
confessed to murdering her 16-year-old daughter was acquitted by a Mexican
In a short
documentary aired on Sunday night, German state TV network ARD showed CCTV
footage of the murderer chasing Escobedo across a street in the city of
Chihuahua and shooting her in the back of the head.
Sig Sauer's slogan is "When it counts" |
a particularly horrifying case, but it's also a special case - it's very
rare," said Grässlin. "We have a convicted killer who confessed that
he killed at least 12 people, and the gun's serial number - and Sig Sauer
themselves say it is one of their guns."
don't know where exactly the gun was assembled - but we know it was German
expertise, German technology - either separately or in one piece - and it found
its way to the perpetrator in Mexico - the fact that he had it was illegal,
because there was no export license," he told DW.
Mother and
daughter killed
daughter Ruby disappeared in 2008, and her mother, frustrated at the slow
police investigation, found out for herself that Ruby had been killed in 2008
by her boyfriend, a member of the Los Zetas drug cartel. He was subsequently
arrested, confessed, and led the police to her body - only to be acquitted for
lack of evidence. ARD showed Escobedo break out in tears in a courtroom in 2010
as the verdict was read, before screaming at the judge and storming out.
For the
next seven months until her murder, Escobedo campaigned against Mexico's
judiciary, which has often been accused of corruption, before finally
confronting the chief state prosecutor himself. "I am convinced that she
signed her own death sentence on that day," lawyer Gabino Gomez, a close
associate of Escobedo, told ARD.
Unlike her
daughter's boyfriend, Escobedo's killer - another member of Los Zetas - was
convicted, and the Sig Sauer gun was identified as the murder weapon (among an
arsenal of some 200 firearms found in his possession). "Now we know that
it was a 9mm gun, from a German firm," said Gomez. "According to the
files, he killed another 11 people with this weapon alone."
No export
Grässlin has campaigned against German weapons exports for more than 20 years |
is one of four Mexican states that the German government has declared as too
dangerous and corrupt to export weapons to, and the German Economy Ministry has
confirmed that Sig Sauer has not been granted an export license to Mexico since
Sig Sauer
did not respond to a request for comment from DW, but according to ARD it has
claimed that the murder weapon was produced at its factory in New Hampshire, in
the US, and sold, probably in a batch of several hundred, to a legal dealer in
if they want to pass on deliveries, to Colombia, to Mexico, to Venezuela or wherever,
they need another export license," Grässlin told DW. "This definitely
didn't happen." According to Germany's Federal Office of Export Control,
an export license is still necessary if "technology from Germany has been
exported to the subsidiary company in the US in advance," and confirmed
that it had not received an application for a license from Sig Sauer.
Sig Sauer,
which is based in Eckernförde, northern Germany, is already under significant
legal pressure after it was revealed last year that tens of thousands of its
handguns, manufactured in Germany, found their way to Colombia via its US
subsidiary. Grässlin pressed charges against the firm over the revelations in
July 2014, and within days the German government banned the company from
exporting any more weapons.
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“.. War - Nobody Sees What is Coming
Let's talk about war. Let's discuss something that very few are considering. What you expect next is completely and totally out of perspective of what's actually coming, because you only have one kind of knowledge about war. Your war has advanced over history with bigger explosions, higher yields and weapons that fire faster. Nuclear, laser, sound - all are far more efficient ways to terminate life. That's how war has evolved. However, there hasn't really been anything called anti-war devices, have there?
I'm going to give you an invitation for discovery, and some are already in the postulation stage of this. Multidimensional fields change 3D reality. Period. I've told you that lurking in your future are discoveries that will help you with every aspect of your life, mainly due to the discovery of what makes basic physics do what it does at the atomic level. If you fully understand multidimensionality, you can manipulate the formula for mass and create massless objects. You can even do it with the tools you have right now.
There is physics possible that can create certain kinds of fields - listen to me - certain kinds of heretofore unseen multidimensional fields that are harmless to your biology, but will alter some attributes of 3D. These fields are designer fields, and they are isolated and specifically designed for one purpose. When in the field, conventional explosive reactions can't happen. Can you imagine putting a field within rooms of a building so that no matter what weapon is fired, whether it's a machine gun or a pistol, it simply won't work! What about targeting an airplane when it drops a bomb and it won't explode? This is pure physics. The alteration of 3D reality through multidimensional designer fields, both small and large, is coming. I know you don't believe it, but just wait. As you start to discover multidimensional physics and the ability to control it, you will discover that there is a "benevolent attitude" of this kind of physics. You can't "weaponize it" as easily as you can 3D. It is an entirely different kind of reality.
Again, I tell you that when you understand how mass is created at the atomic level, you'll learn how to create massless objects. By the way, that has another name. You call it anti-gravity, but there is no such thing. It's just the ability to finally control the formula that creates gravity with mass. You understand that this is simple physics, don't you? And it's very easy to manipulate for benevolent uses through other fields that you do know about. Just like you have learned to control certain kinds of physics that are 3D, you can also control multidimensional physics. Imagine a planet where it doesn't matter what war device you had, it wouldn't work anymore! What do you think about that? Imagine physics having the ability to shatter the molecules of a biological weapon. Do you think that would change world politics? It's happening, it's going to happen. It's in the laboratory today. You're broaching the discovery of multidimensional physics. Being able to control that which you don't think is controllable is what you are doing. It's going to make such a difference to the Human race!
You don't believe it, since your knowledge of how things work just doesn't allow for such a thing. This is your filter. ….”