Matthew Ward
With loving
greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. As information from
countless sources pours in, please keep in mind that only some is factual—much
is disinformation, misinformation, incomplete coverage, skewed perceptions or
uninformed opinions—and that everything that actually is happening is purposeful.
This includes teetering or bankrupt economies; protests about injustices;
terrorism; weather extremes and natural disasters; massive numbers of refugees;
corporate and governmental shake-ups; and yes, even FIFA’s scandalous
operation. Everything going on in your world is serving to fulfill chosen
karmic experiences or aiding Earth’s return to environmental health or stirring
minds that have been stuck in the oblivion of third density’s limitations.
It isn’t
necessary in this moment that everyone understand current situations in the
context of karma and balance, planetary cleansing and ascension or souls
awakening—eventually that understanding will come to each individual. What is
necessary in this moment is happening, and it is evident around your world: the
peoples’ ever-growing determination to no longer accept killing, oppression,
corruption, deception, pollution and impoverishment as “just life.” All light
beings throughout this universe are beaming light and helping in many other
ways to assist your dedicated endeavors to end “just life” conditions.
A number of
messages some time ago explained what caused the 10-year delay in your
society’s attaining the consciousness level anticipated by the Highest
Universal Council when they formulated Earth’s Golden Age master plan. In a
more recent message we told you that by the end of your year 2017, that decade
of delay will be over—a fact that meant no more than that, yet it elicited a
flood of emails.
questions can be summed up as follows: Do you mean that no important
developments can happen until the end of 2017? Is that when spacecraft crews
will land and ETs living here will identify themselves? Will Earth reach her
ascension destination in 2017? Can Earth really be restored to her original
health and beauty in that short time? Does this mean all wars will continue
until 2017?
erroneous is the idea that our statement meant, or implied, that no significant
developments can happen until the end of 2017. Beloved Earth family, with every
passing day you are moving forward in transforming your world, an undertaking
of unprecedented magnitude that is being achieved with unprecedented speed! We
wish—as you do!—that everything this entails would happen in the blink of an
eye, and it could if enough souls there believed it could. But few know they
have this innate power, so progress in ways the populace can see goes according
to what they think is possible in linear time, and they have no idea about
major developments “off stage.”
notwithstanding, with great joy we tell you that activity in strategic areas is
reaching fever pitch, so to say, and Earth’s energy field of potential
indicates that results with far-reaching benevolent effects is on the near
horizon. Nothing can reverse this forward movement, but its momentum could be
slowed because the field is in constant motion as energy streamers zigzag this
way or that in accordance with thoughts, feelings and deeds of every life form
on the planet. Steadfastness in radiating your light will help to keep momentum
in the fast lane.
Now then,
we are happy to respond to a variety of questions. No, we don’t perceive China
as “trying to become #1 with economic and military superiority over the US and
Russia.” China’s leaders are no different from those in the United States,
Russia and all other countries—they want a satisfied citizenry because that is
the foundation of national stability. The government of China would like to
show solidarity to the world, but largely due to social media, it is evident
that there is conflict among those in power, much like it is in other countries
during these tumultuous times. Powerful persons in all ruling bodies from
community level to international are reacting to heightening
vibrations—hardliners are digging in their heels, up-and-coming leaders are
embracing the light. As “good vibes” keep accelerating, the hardliners will
wane in numbers and influence.
readers in the United States have expressed concern that the military training
exercise called Jade Helm is a “red flag” so the government can declare martial
law, confiscate guns, and put dissenters in FEMA camps to undergo brainwashing.
This is no different from the many other instances that also were labeled “red
flags”—either outright false information disseminated to create panic or the
assumption of individuals who tend to ascribe sinister intentions to whatever
the government does. Please do not be drawn into the fear that is the basis of
this melodrama from “either/or” source.
area of some concern is the risk posed by potential malfunctioning of the Large
Hadron Collider in Switzerland. First we say, if scientists in advanced
civilizations and Nirvana had not deemed that your world was ready for this
advancement, they would not have “filtered” to your physicists even the idea of
this technology, much less construction and operating instructions. Yes, it is
human to err, as your saying goes, and if someone does that, crews in ships
overhead are prepared to prevent a serious outcome.
We have
been asked if all who were involved in the shooting in the historic church in
Charleston, South Carolina, agreed to play those roles. The nine persons who
died and their families did agree, but their agreement, like many others during
this stage of Earth’s ascension, contains what could be called a “contingency”
clause. In this case, the clause stipulates that if racism no longer is an
issue in your world, there would be no need to end the lifetime or grieve the
loss of a loved one due to a racially-based incident. Lamentably, racism does
still run deep in your society. The persons who died in the church and their
families became the most recent souls to emphasize that the sickness inherent
in bigotry must be cured, and that is the same purpose served by the young man
who agreed to do the shooting.
who change genders respond to their awareness that heart, mind and body, they
are not the gender identified at birth. While physical changes may be a more
complex mental and emotional undertaking than persons experience in uncovering
their homosexuality or bisexuality, all of these souls are claiming their
authentic selves. An aspect of your society’s advancement is the honoring of
transgender individuals, who, like everyone else, don’t know that they chose in
soul contracts to be pioneers in this sense. People who resist accepting the
validity of gender change—or of any sexual nature other than heterosexual—still
are rooted in religious dogmas that have barely even a nodding acquaintance
with the sanctity and divinity of every soul.
said the Illuminati made their money illegally and immorally so it can be
recovered and used to eliminate poverty. Why don’t the people who’ll be in
charge of the new economic system just take the money out of Illuminati banks
now and distribute it where it’s desperately needed?” The individuals in positions
to do this are acting with forthrightness within the laws of your society. To
do otherwise would be acting in the same reprehensible ways the Illuminati have
all along, thus employing the very tactics they are striving to eliminate.
needless concern is overpopulation. The number of people in your world is not
the cause of starvation, subsistence living and lack of health care—unequal
distribution of monies and Illuminati control of natural resources is. Many
planets in this universe smaller than Earth have far more residents, who live
peacefully in abundance and with respect for all life forms in their worlds.
When Earth is restored to her original health, she could easily accommodate all
the needs of double your current population—but please do not assume that this
means there will be a population explosion!
the Illuminati no longer have access to the technology they formerly used to
cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and severe storms, energy set in motion
by those events has a domino effect. The energy of a quake, for instance,
doesn’t stop when the tremors stop, but rather it continues to flow and
generates a multitude of less powerful quakes before it dissipates. Although
“ancient” negativity has been dealt with, “fresh” sources are bringing to the
surface deeply entrenched remnants of the massive amount created long ago, and
occasionally this happens in areas where natural disasters are considered
It is the
same with Mother Nature’s activity, but the intent differs greatly and intent
has its own energy streamers. The intent of the Illuminati is to create
negativity, which could be considered self-replicating because its energy
sustains and empowers them; Mother Nature’s intent is to release negativity so
it isn’t available to create more of itself.
A reader
who saw a film of a reporter from the United States interviewing Vladimir Putin
asked if there is any truth to his claim that he is not responsible for the
unrest in Ukraine. Earth’s monitors in Nirvana apprised us of that interview,
so we can state that Mr. Putin’s claim is truthful—it is Illuminati
troublemakers who are responsible—and he also is correct in saying that the
shared cultural history of people in Ukraine and Russia crosses national
“Why is the
US always seen as the bad guy no matter where on Earth trouble spots are?”
Washington, DC, and Wall Street are the headquarters of the Illuminati’s
Rockefeller faction, but since few know this, all of their operations are
attributed to that country’s government. And not without good reason. From its
very beginning that government has been riddled with Illuminati or operate
under their influence, and later they infiltrated the CIA, FBI, FDA, NSA, CDC,
UN, NASA and all other agencies that could further their aim of world
the Rockefeller faction was extremely forceful in expanding its influence well
beyond the United State whereas the Rothschild faction, which grew out of the
original small group in Bavaria, concentrated its efforts in Europe. While the
Rockefeller group still is clinging to some fragments of power, the Rothschild
group is fast losing the last shreds of its former control of governments,
banking and commerce, and the stronghold they once had in the Vatican is gone.
Pope Francis is on a house-cleaning mission as well as speaking out against
Illuminati-created world conditions that both factions have been trying to keep
status quo. They are seeing their efforts becoming less and less effective;
eventually they will see their utter futility.
It is so
that we haven’t attributed the increase in light on the planet to solar flares;
however, we have talked about the effects of light from all sources. In
addition to saving Earth’s very life, effects may include unusual and temporary
physical, mental and emotional conditions, and definitely intensifying light
magnifies personal characteristics and behavior. Also we have told you light’s
long-term—and vital!—effects: Ittransforms carbon-based cells into the
crystalline form that are viable in higher vibratory levels and enables
advancement in spiritual and conscious awareness. So yes, absolutely Sol’s
activity is part and parcel of Earth’s ascension and yours.
understand the feelings of the reader who wrote her difficulty in believing
that anyone would choose a life of suffering or cause suffering to others, that
the first is masochistic and the latter, sadistic. Indeed, it is difficult to
imagine why souls would willingly choose either role—or that all of you have
done the very same many times. It is with unconditional love for all others in
the pre-birth agreement that some souls agree to act with extreme harshness so
others can experience what they need to balance lifetimes when they were the
abusive ones. When peoples live together happily and harmoniously, life on
Earth will be in balance and no more back-and-forth lifetimes will be needed.
of children are dying every day. How is it in keeping with LOVE and LIGHT that
all these innocents are deprived of physically ascending with Earth?” The
importance of the karmic aspect aside, Earth’s residents physically ascending
with her never has meant living there throughout the journey to her destination
in fifth density. Every single soulwho has lived on the planet since its
ascension process began 80-some years ago was or is physically ascending
The aim of
every soul in every lifetime is personal ascension—growing spiritually and
consciously—and this has little to do with incarnation longevity or location.
By embodying only a short time, a soul can complete contract provisions and
achieve personal ascension. A person who lives 100 years and lifelong makes
free will choices contrary to soul contract selections doesn’t experience what
was needed to personally ascend.
brothers and sisters, like every other person who has entered Earth’s spirit
realm, when you transition and review your lifetime, you won’t measure it by
how long you lived, but by how you lived.
Now we bid
you farewell in words only, as our unconditional love always is with you.
LOVE and