Matthew Ward - August 3, 2014
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Matthew Ward |
faction, which operates independently of all governments’ oversight, respects
no national borders. Wherever some citizens are dissatisfied with their elected
leaders, the agents either instigate or exacerbate uprisings to heighten
tension, implicate whatever national leaders would be appropriate and help the
dissidents obtain weaponry and supplies. “Black ops” personnel, like the rest
of the Illuminati, feed on negativity, and their means of refueling themselves
is creating negativity-laden chaos, fear, death, injury, sorrow and destruction.
Illuminati’s international network has been so severely weakened that they no
longer are the overriding force they were many decades past, when they easily started two world wars and in
each profited handsomely by selling to both sides whatever was needed to keep
the machinery of war going. Although their ability to start WWIII and add to
their ill-gotten fortunes never was to be except in their deluded thoughts,
they are nourishing themselves for the moment with the negativity of concerns about
where fighting in Ukraine may lead and high emotions about the plane tragedy
and its aftermath.
all of that must be put into the context of everything happening everywhere,
and we ask you to imagine your world as a unique story being made into a movie.
Let us ascribe “screenwriter” to the universal mind since it has full vision of
this epic film’s ending amidst the marvels of Earth’s Golden Age. And let us
call you the “publicists”—you have been briefed on the story and how it ends so
you can talk about it to whoever is receptive.
You also
are in the cast of billions, all of whom are given free rein to act however
they think best fits the scenario at hand. So, behaving in accordance with
respective personalities and characteristics, a few actors are ruthless in
efforts to monopolize the scene while others strive for a team effort to serve
the interests of all. Some members become angry about the way the story
unfolds, others are pleased, still others are discouraged, and many in the cast
are confused. Some actors behave unreasonably, others urge cooperation so
things can proceed smoothly; and as some rise in prominence, others fade. Some
cast members feel their parts are too small, others feel theirs are too hard;
some think the film will be a success, others are afraid it won’t be. Cast
members die, newborns come into it. And, since each actor’s main focus during
filming is his or her part, it is only when the entire cast views the completed
production that they can see why all of the roles were necessary to make this
motion picture of unprecedented stature and scope.
that is a feeble analogy, but it is accurate insofar as the lack of awareness
about free will and karma being played out, planetary and personal ascension,
and a world in transformation. The vast majority of your population has no idea
that volatility in Ukraine and the plane crash are parts of this transformative
process. The public-at-large doesn’t know that those heart-wrenching tragedies
for everyone who lost beloved persons are experiences that they and their dear
ones chose for soul evolvement—the goal of every soul—and it is the same with
those who are involved in the militant aspects.
This is
true in most heartrending situations, and we shall mention another that readers
have asked us to speak about: the thousands of children from Central American
countries who came unsupervised to the United States. They, the families who
sent them there for safety, the individuals who led them across the border, and
the people who are causing the violence in their native countries are
experiencing what they chose in soul contracts.
It is true
as well that not everyone who is dying or mourning a loss or is injured,
homeless and desperate chose those experiences, and this is the case regarding
the bloodshed and destruction in Gaza. There, just as in all other places where
harshness and trauma exist and are not part of the affected persons’ contracts,
divine grace steps in. All who continue to endure non-chosen circumstances take
leaps in evolvement and each person whose lifetime is cut short receives full
credit for all contract provisions. Those who transition to Nirvana rejoice
about being there and send a profusion of light to their beloved souls on the
planet who are coping with the same kinds of difficult experiencing.
We know
these truths, yet it is with profound sadness that we see so much strife,
suffering, heartache and killing within our beloved Earth family. We hasten to
add that those moments are fleeting—the negativity of that intense feeling
cannot linger in these high vibrations—and we are able to quickly resume
beaming light to help you continue moving steadily toward the full brilliance
of the Golden Age that awaits in the continuum.
Because so
few of your populace know what we have shared with you, prevalent feelings are
grief, anger, despair and fear of what may come next. The low vibrations of
those natural reactions are being offset to a large extent by the light in aid,
caring and compassion streaming from all corners of Earth. Indeed, other
civilizations are beaming massive amounts of light to the planet, but you
on-site light-bearers are exemplifying that love-light is the only way to
resolve all conflicts and end deprivation throughout your world—especially in
unsettling times, let your light shine!
people are ready for the light! They may not know about free will, karma and
multiple lifetimes or spiritual and conscious evolution or the Illuminati; but
they do know your world’s history: Never have killing, placing blame and taking
revenge brought the lasting peace and cooperation among nations that people are
hungering for!
This is an
appropriate place to answer, Do countries accrue good or bad karma? No, only individuals do, and karma is neither
good nor bad. It is a gift of divine grace so that embodied souls may have
experiences that differ greatly from other lifetimes and attain the balance
required for soul growth. However, souls choose to be born where conditions
offer the experiencing they selected, and that may give the appearance that
specific karmic lessons affect an entire country.
have asked why the United States’ government “works against the people of that
country instead of for them” and our view of the Republican party’s “stupid
lawsuit against the president instead of taking care of what we the people
The primary
reason the United States government isn’t more responsive to the citizenry’s
needs is that some members of Congress are Illuminati and others are financed,
bribed or blackmailed into voting as the Illuminati dictate. Of all nations you
call “industrialized,” the United States has the most externally-controlled
government—the Federal Reserve System, multinational corporations, the medical
profession and its related industries and agencies all have a large say in what
Congress does.
In numerous
messages we have spoken about the strong souls who agreed to provide the severe
hardships that masses of souls needed to wind up third density karma, then
those strong souls would join the light forces; instead they became greedy and
enamored of power and control and they refused to honor their pre-birth
agreement. Those individuals are the Illuminati, and their activities have set
back progress by ten years or so.
ascension pace wasn’t affected, but your society’s was. The Golden Age master
plan was designed so that when Barack Obama became US president in 2008, your
world would eagerly support his efforts to unite all peoples in peace and
harmony with Nature in accordance with Gaia’s vision. The Illuminati-led
offensive against that objective has been relentless. Even so, the light has shattered their
international network and diminished the effectiveness of its remnants while
engendering the expansion of grassroots movements around the globe and
increasingly successful behind-the-scenes negotiations.
As for the
lawsuit against President Obama, we see it as a neon arrow pointing to the
country’s serious issue that the Republican party’s most conservative
contingent—“The Tea Party”—also limits the government’s responsiveness to the
needs of the people. This doesn’t mean that those individuals are in the
Illuminati ranks; simply, they want the country run according to their wishes
and philosophies. The other Republicans, eager to sweep the party to election
victories in all the states, join with Tea Party members to vote as a bloc, and
their voting record shows that often it doesn’t coincide with what would
benefit the majority of citizens.
Now we
shall do our best to comply with the request that we give “a simple scientific
explanation of light and how it affects a civilization.” Light, which is the same energy as love, is
the essence of Creator, Source of everything in existence. Light is the most
powerful force in the cosmos, the entirety of consciousness, the ingredient of
souls, and the life force of every living entity. Even the peak of the dark
forces has a spark of light; otherwise, it would not exist.
Light comes
into this universe through its Supreme Being, whom you may call God, Allah,
Jehovah, Yahweh or any other name; and everything is universally connected by
and within this energy. Therefore spirit, which is considered faith, and
science, which is considered fact, are one and the same: light fluctuating at
one frequency or another.
But let us
return to the Beginnings of all life throughout the cosmos. Creator’s first
expression of Itself created the Christed realm and the first souls, the
archangels; the realm itself and the archangels are pure light. At an unknown
time, Creator endowed the archangels with the gift of free will and its
companion, the power of manifestation—that is, they could use Creator’s energy
to make whatever they imagined, and in their first co-creational process, they
made the next level of angels and gods and goddesses. Those souls also were
pure light.
At some
point the archangels had the idea of making physical forms for souls who
desired it—that was the origin of DNA and the elements of bodies’ “building
blocks.” Within the DNA were photons, which continuously absorb and radiate the
light that produces bodies with crystalline cells that contain cosmic
consciousness and have the ability to live in the vibrations of the highest
celestial planes.
some souls whose negative deeds dropped them from the light used their free
will to downgrade the DNA of newer, less experienced civilizations. The changes
made dense bodies with DNA containing electrons, which have much less light and
vibrate at much lower frequencies than photons. The reduction in light caused
corresponding reductions in those civilizations’ consciousness, brain
functioning and life span. They lost all knowledge of their Beginnings, their
weakened bodies were vulnerable to disease, and their temperaments included
fear and all of its negative byproducts like cruelty, greed, anger, lust for
power, unjustness, impoverishment, divisiveness and hatred—hatred is not the
opposite of love, it is the absence of love, or light. Those are the conditions
of third density civilizations.
It is not
that no bodies on Earth have photons, and an unimaginable quantity is in the
atmosphere. But electrons are dominant in the vast majority of your
populace—that is why they are lagging in awakening spiritually and
consciously—and throughout your world—that is why you have electric and
electronic appliances and pay to use them instead of having photons’ “free”
energy. The way to ascend into planes where photons outnumber electrons is by
increasing the amount of light in the collective consciousness.
Energy is
neutral. It is the thought forms that get attached to energy streamers that are
positive—with light—or negative—without light. The forms are created by every
being’s thoughts, feelings and actions, and collectively those determine a
civilization’s density, or spiritual and conscious evolvement status. That is
one universal definition of density; the other is mass or the location of a
mass, and the two don’t necessarily go together. That is why Earth, a fifth density soul
spiritually and consciously, can be in the initial stages of fourth density
location-wise and most of her people are at third density evolvement status.
Animals and plants are absorbing more light than most of humankind; at this
moment, the light in people varies from brilliant to just enough to keep bodies
Now then,
every person and every thing in your world emits vibrations in consonance with
each form’s consciousness level, and that is determined by the amount of light
in each. The atoms in inanimate objects—say a pebble, football, nail and
chair—have minimal consciousness; exceptions are crystals and gold, which have
a high degree. The consciousness level of soil is higher than objects and so is
that of slugs, worms and short-lived insects; higher on the scale are the
species of insects that have a well-developed hierarchy and clearly-defined
working system within it.
The plant
kingdom has a very high level of consciousness. Trees have intelligence and
emotions that few people would even consider possible and extend far beyond the
acorn that knows how to become a mighty oak and the apple seed that knows how
to bear fruit. Tiny flower seeds know their colors and whether to blossom for a
season or flourish year after year. The generally unseen, therefore unknown
souls in the Devic kingdom, who work hand-in-hand with all of Nature, also are
highly advanced consciously and emotionally.
Humans and
other high orders in the animal kingdom have the highest level of
consciousness—instinct, intuition, memory, learning and reasoning capability,
and the widest range of feelings—but only humankind also is endowed with
conscience and Creator’s gift of free will. Although each living being and each
inanimate thing serves a purpose in the evolutionary process of all, it is the
human population that sets the pace.
Whereas all
other life forms on Earth operate within their respective innate guidelines
that work in harmony with Nature, people can choose to act in godly ways or
not, to heed conscience or not; and their collective choices determine the
civilization’s evolvement status. As humankind evolves via the light in
spiritual and conscious awareness, so do all the other forms on the planet, and
the collective vibratory emissions advance the entire world. And, as a world advances, life becomes
increasingly simpler and joyous! It is
only in third density’s lower vibrations that a civilization creates all the
complexities born of negativity.
brothers and sisters, we know that you want dramatic changes for the better and
sometimes feel it’s a matter of a step forward, then back. Your media emphasize
the “epic” film’s downside drama instead of the myriad successful achievements
in villages, cities and countries around the world; and reporters don’t know
about the vital developments “off camera.”
If you could view your world as we do, you would be astounded at the
progress, the obstacles met and overcome, the learning—remembering!—you have
mastered! We salute you, the vanguard of
light-bearers on Earth, and surround you with unconditional love.
LOVE and
The Matthew Books
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