, February
14, 2015
This live
channelling was Given in Atlanta, Georgia
![]() |
Lee Carroll |
To help the
reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even
clearer understanding. Sometime information is even added. Often what happens
live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that
the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Atlanta
Georgia, February 14, 2015.
dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Twenty-five years ago, I discussed
with you what is happening now. Back then, it was only a potential, but now
it's your reality. This was not prophecy when I told you back then that there
would be no Armageddon or World War Three. It was not prophecy, but a powerful
potential. The entire reason for my being and the awakening of my partner was
because of what you did. The victory it contains falls in the lap of the old
soul, who has controlled the consciousness of the timing of it all.
that has transpired during these years has been realized potential. That is to
say that we see the potentials of what you might do, and report on that and
only that. Much of what we see now is realized quickly. When we told you in 2012 there would be a new pope, 13 months later it happened. This was not
prophecy, but rather a potential. We saw it coming because we have the overview
and we knew of the anxiety of the existing pope, the health of the man, and we
also knew of the potentials of a South American pope to come forward. All of
these things should be a "connect the dots" for you. I come yet
again, not with prophecy, but with information given with a congratulatory
attitude of potential.
A real
"new energy" is here.
years ago, I would have loved to have given you this channel, but you weren't
ready. Now you sit in the energy we had predicted back then and are wise to
what has happened. Right now, if you could superimpose Human emotion upon the
creative source, it would be the attributes of delight and adulation - perhaps
even the word proud. Dear Human Being, this is not your father's new age. We
celebrate you for coming to this place in time!
This is
critical information we give now, because in an assemblage like this, the ones
who are listening and reading are warriors of light and old souls. These terms
describe a Human Being who has been through history and has embraced esoteric
belief for dozens of lifetimes. Many of you have awakened in this life to
innate wisdom of spirituality. You have fought the battles of the old energy as
a Lightworker many times, and you have become used to the way things work in an
older energy. For thousands of years, the planet has not changed all that much,
so you might have been involved in the same kind of dark-light battles over and
over and, therefore, etched into your Akash are what we would call the
spiritual rules of existence. However, now they're changing. So this message is
for Lightworkers and old souls, and it includes some attributes we have talked
about in the past, and also some new ones. Tonight we bring you some positive
things that you need to know in this energy and some attributes that some would
call admonitions of how to work in the new energy.
We started
this conversation last week in the city you call Austin [Texas],* so let us
begin from there. Dear ones, this new energy is a phrase you have heard for
years. You were told, "The new age is upon you, and the new energy is
arriving." Dear ones, it has arrived! Now it's starting to plant its
seeds, and the attributes are very different from what you have experienced
while you were waiting for it. You should know that shamanic energies in the
old souls who are listening and reading are going to find some of these things
difficult, even controversial. This is because they go against the spiritual
habits experienced in the past, which worked and which were correct and proper
for many. So let us begin where we left off.
Dear ones,
please acknowledge the idea that when you graduate from one energy level to
another, the lessons are learned, and the processes are then changed and
advanced to a new level. It would be foolish for you to carry the same old
lessons you completed from the past into the future. Yet many of you are trying
to do that very same thing right now.
Review from
Number one
is a review. We told you that your light quotient, a metaphor for your
awareness and your wise consciousness, is at a higher and lighter energy than
it ever has been before. This is possible because of the predicted and positive
changes we told you were coming [within all the Kryon books], including the
realignment of the magnetic grid (2002) and other esoteric grids on the planet.
Many very new tools are upon you and new ways of working this puzzle are
waiting to be discovered.
Dear ones,
if you go into these new energies with an old procedure, you're going to be
disappointed. Last week in Austin, we started this premise: You now carry so
much light, that you can stop dealing with negativity in the old way. You no
longer have to consider what you might call clearing dark energies in the room
or around you. This is hard for you to consider, since many of you do this
automatically! Let me remind you of what was needed in an older energy. Prior
to a meeting or a meditation, you might need to clear the energy of negativity.
You would smudge the area, pray over it, and put light into it. If you found a
negative person or anything that you thought would interrupt the flow of purity
of love, you might even stop and work with that one silently until you got
results. You would have your own way of creating the light you needed and
clearing the darkness that you knew was there. Now we are saying change this.
Why? Can't you feel why? This is the real question. Are you not aware that
things are different? Don't continue to use your umbrella when the sun has come
out! Understand you have changed the energy of everything around you.
In this
newly provided energy, you are carrying so much light that your presence in the
room won't allow darkness. Period! This is energy that finally knows who you
are! Your presence alone is enough to clear it. Think about it. Your light is
so great that it will permeate everything. Don't you feel it? Now, this is new,
so you need to hear it in context with the actions of a new-age, esoteric
person. Darkness will run from you!
Some of you
love to do ceremony, which looks like clearing. Go ahead, but know that it's
not necessary to clear, since you are there and your presence alone has done
it. So instead, think of it as "patterning". Instead of clearing the
negative, put into the room the new pattern of energy that you wish to create.
Now, again this is controversial because you might say, “Look at all of those
people who might be negative in a place like this. Think of all the meetings in
the past that have been held in a place like this. We must clear this past
energy which has attached itself to the area.” And we say, “No you don't. Not
anymore.” If a master walked into this room, would you stop and clear it? The
answer is no. The master clears it! You understand? This is the lineage that is
yours and that you worked for. Claim it. Go for it. You don't have to clear it.
That is what we said on a Sunday one week ago in Austin [Texas].*
For the
Healer - New Energies
Number two:
Tonight is going to be for the healer. There are many listening to my voice now
and reading later. Healer, what is the process you are used to? If you did
clearing before, you don't have to now. Get used to it. Your presence, next to
the one on the table or the chair, is enough to chase away all negativity. Now,
the one in the chair may have fear, but it doesn't affect you anymore. You
don't have to put on esoteric armor of any kind to shield you from your
clients. This is new. You carry a countenance that is so grand and so beautiful
and pure that nothing is going to get through. Nothing! I just wanted you to
know this. Again, did the masters go through clearing ceremonies before
performing their miracles? No!
Now, as
normal, your clients can indeed create their own negativity, their own unbelief
and their own fear. That's not going to change. But how they affect you already
has. Now, here is something we have not said before. There is an evolutionary
process going on with Human consciousness that literally affects many Human
Beings in ways they are not aware of. We have spoken of the innate before.**
This is the spiritual smart body, the part of the body you muscle-test to
communicate. However, innate is beginning to change.
Listen, if
the Human Being, through free choice, has decided not to build a conscious
bridge to innate and knows nothing about it, that's his/her own issue. But
innate is changing in all Humans regardless, not just Lightworkers. That is to
say that spiritual awareness will become a higher vibration instantly, if a
person wants it. Humans may go all their lives without ever acknowledging their
innate, and this is their free choice. But should they look, or try to build
the bridge to innate, the energy will be higher than the time you did it! Again,
this is total free choice. But more are being naturally led to question their
Now let me
tell you what this means and what to look for. Dear Human healer, you stand or
sit in front of your client, and they may be the strongest unbeliever there is,
but their innate is still active - even if they don't know it. Your gift as a
healer is to facilitate the "energy of self-healing". Even this is
starting to change, for you are now posturing them to get in touch with their
own innate. This is what helps them to heal themselves. You are going to start
seeing certain things almost instantly that you have not seen before. One of
them is a natural interest in the esoterics of life, the beginning of the
question, "Who am I?"
Now, in
order to make this process go even faster, I wish to give you a procedure that
many of you are already doing intuitively. I want you to have the person on
your table or chair, shut their eyes for a moment and answer one question. Have
the person answer out loud. Some of you already know the question. You're going
to ask this: “Do you give permission for the healing?” They must answer
verbally, and a nod is not good enough. If they answer with pure intent and not
just "go with the flow", their innate has permission to talk to you.
This is where profound healing is going to start to occur. You will be
astonished at how well this works in this new energy, and how your ability as a
healer is increased! Dear Human Being, your light will not let negativity occur
in your session. Get rid of the idea that you have to protect yourself. Not
anymore. Your light is pushing out to such a degree that it won't be necessary.
That's for the healers, all of you, for anyone who is doing any healing work at
all can have this happen. Remember this question in your sessions.
The New
"Listening" Body
three: There'll never be a time in Human history that is more profound than
this one, when it comes to how the body is listening to what you are saying.
There is a process, and always has been, where the cells of the body are on
alert to what the boss - you - wants. For years, we have been asking you to
talk to your body, talk to your cellular structure. Now we're going to tell you
that it's listening, even when you don't realize what you're automatically
saying! It's now listening 24-7. So what are you saying to it?
This is now
a time where negative dialogue will have more personal influence on you than
ever before. Think about what you are saying in life as you move around
socially. What is your attitude when you say it, and how often do you say it?
Your body is listening. Dear Lightworker, part of your spiritual evolution is
that the body, the innate, is now aware of everything. Now, you may say, “Well,
that's nice.” It's more than nice; it's profound! If you don't listen to this
and understand it, you will keep you aging in the same old way you have. This
is why we have spoken of affirmations more than ever before. This is far more
than just positive thinking. Every time you open your mouth, you have the
potential to give instructions to your body, and it listens to you when you
talk to it. Unfortunately, your habits are to tell your body that you are
I want you
to think about what you're saying. When somebody asks you about your health,
about your spirituality, about your intent, or about your aging, do you say the
words, “I am working on it. I am trying”? The result is the cells of your body
say, "Well, she's working on it - she is trying," but (implied),
"She doesn't have it yet." I want you to listen to yourself when you
talk. Are you giving "less than" messages to your own body?
I've said enough, but almost every single one of you comes from a culture that
is proud of demeaning itself in some way. It's an old habit from old ways that
are supposed to represent a gracious countenance. Someone wants to give you a
gift or celebrate your birthday. How many of you automatically say, "You
shouldn't have"? Do you realize that your actions and words are saying, “I
don't deserve it" to your own innate? Your actions say, “I am unworthy.”
Don't you think your body hears this or sees it? It does. It is time to get out
of the unworthy closet, Lightworker! You are alive with God inside! Don't be
afraid or ashamed to proclaim, “I am healthy, I am healed, I am youthing, I am
in charge of the situation.” Not, “I'm working on it” or, “I'm trying.” That
tells your body that it may happen someday, but not today. That's the
difference. “I am worthy of happiness. I am worthy of a peaceful situation in
my life. I am worthy of a solution in my life.”
someone wants to give you a gift or celebrate your birthday, automatically say,
"Thank you for this wonderful gift!" Your innate will hear, "I
am worthy of this gift of appreciation from others." Then love them for
Changing of Meditation and Other Spiritual Attributes
four: Meditation. It's changing. First, there will start to appear younger
specialists who society doesn't feel are old enough to be shamanic. However,
their Akash is, since they are remembering. They are awakening to times when
they did this all the time. Therefore, the number of years you have been on
Earth in this life will become secondary to the number of lifetimes you have on
Earth. You must be able to see and discern this. So the first thing is this: No
longer assign eldership attributes to the old. Assign them to the wise.
But the
main change is how you see meditation and the "rules" of it.
Meditation is going to start departing from the old rules of who, how and how
much. Dear ones, with this new amount of light that you carry and with your
busy schedules, just being in Spirit every single day is a meditation. It's
hard for you to measure this, since it's no longer a linear 3D clock issue.
It's a multidimensional communication issue.
Not all of
you are supposed to do the same thing with meditation. Is this a shock? The
esoteric belief system that you have is not one thing for everyone. It is not
generic. It honors the individual's life path. You are becoming specialists in
spirituality because your Akash is starting to come alive. How old you are on
Earth, where you came from and what you did will guide what you do in this life
to a greater degree than ever before. There will be many young people who will
come alive with meditation. Watch for this. They will do it for hours, and it
may not be your way. You might say that they're carrying the meditative load
for you.
This is new
on the planet and it's especially new as many of the young people will feel it
first. Expect that even they will not agree among themselves on how to do it.
It's a new energy for them and their peers. One will do it differently than
another. But many will be meditation warriors, with a big M on their chests.
[smile] Some of you will see it and you will shake your head and say, “That
isn't for me,” and Spirit will be on your shoulder saying, “Thank you for
seeing this, old wise person.” It's for them. What we have for you instead is
compassionate living, walking day by day in difficult situations, and creating
a passionate countenance with compassion with lack of anger. This is practical
and represents all the things we've talked about for a very old, advanced soul.
The work that you're going to be doing will be different from theirs. They are
"beginning old souls" and now we're getting into specialization.
Don't be surprised when basic spiritual work is not the same for everyone. Does
it make sense that you are vastly different in your life's path? Then honor
that premise with no "common doctrine for all". There is no
"right and wrong" for meditation. It's what feels correct for your
life and your life's work.
Dear ones,
some of you are shaking your heads and saying, “Well, does that mean we are not
supposed to meditate?” How linear can you get? I want you to be comfortable. I
want you to understand this. Human Beings want higher authority to tell them
what to do and how to do it. That is starting to change. Can't you feel it? Get
out of the mold of looking for validation from a higher authority. The greatest
authority is the creative seed in YOU. Your intuition is going to give you the
answer to the most demanding questions of life.
intuition will tell you how long to meditate, if at all, and what to do when
you do it. You don't have to turn to somebody and say, “Is this okay?” or
"Is there a book?" Those days are over. Dear ones, yes there will be
leaders in the esoteric community, but they are advisors in wisdom and not
spiritual dictators. Let them lead with their love and compassion, not with
information and rules on how you are supposed to live your life. Let them lead
with examples of how empowered you are, and not with rules or what to do or how
to do it, or a doctrine that is the same for everyone. Let the "what, why,
how much and when" come from the creative source inside you. If you can do
this, you'll be right for the attributes in life that are just for you, not the
masses. That leads us to number five.
Change -
Not That Comfortable
Five: In basic numerology, the number five represents change. I want you to
acknowledge, be comfortable with, and accept change that is chemical in your
body. I want you to honor, acknowledge, and accept change that is psychological
in your body. Your Akash is going to start delivering to you some very
different and wise information as your vibration starts to increase. You're
going to find that who you thought you were may change. Habits, good and bad,
may drop away. Good and bad. In the process, the Human Being may go into fear.
Isn't that interesting? Why would change in a new energy for old souls cause
single time there's a shift in what people are used to, Humans get afraid. So
we are asking for a change in perception and a wise rewrite in Human nature. I
would like you to start welcoming change in your life and see it in a positive
way. No matter what. This will realign you to the energy of a new earth so you
can survive and stay alive! This is how important it is.
going to get new habits, perceived as good and bad, and they are going to come
right out of your increasingly active Akash. Many will worry about it and say, “Now
where did that come from?” You're going
to love the good ones and question the others. Now, the good ones may come in
ways that drop old, bad habits and cravings, and also greatly affect what you
want to eat. A major change in diet may shock and surprise you, and you can
lose weight or gain weight as desired. Whatever you've asked for which is most
healthy for your body will seem to be "taking over" your cells.
The Akash
is starting to align itself with "multiple cultural lifetime events".
This term represents how many lifetimes you have been in a culture where you
ate or lived a certain way. This becomes the chemistry that your body wants
now. How about that? This would be instead of fast food or normal food
shopping. How about that? So, how many of you are going to go with it or go
into fear with it? What I want you to do is relax and let Spirit start to build
the new Human within you. Do you know what we have called this? It's a process
nobody expected: Ascension while alive. This is you passing into the next
energy while you're alive - a process that took reincarnation before. Are you
hearing what I'm saying? In the past you had to die, come back, and realign in
order to do what now we are saying you can do while you sit there. That is, if
you won't be afraid of it.
innate has got to be reprogrammed. We told you this before and now you're doing
it through affirmations, positive thoughts and by the actions you are now
changing [compassionate action]. Innate is used to an old idea that reincarnation
is the engine for enlightenment. You must die and come back in order to take
advantage of what you learned, but now you don't. This is new. We gave you a
channelling before that spoke about it.**
I want you
to think of it this way. How many of you have felt like you have been in
trouble for the last couple of years? This varies from life threatening to
uncomfortable spiritual changes to feeling different. I want you now to have
the fortitude to celebrate the problems! You've just been realigned, dear Human
Being. Maybe you've been realigned and you're picking up things from the past
that will make you healthier and live longer. What if you spent hundreds of
years in a culture and only a few years in this one? Don't you think your
cellular structure wants the most comfortable attributes - the old foods more?
If you say yes, you're going to see chemical changes in your body to
accommodate the new Human. This is a Human who has the Akash starting to be felt.
Spiritual evolution has begun.
These are
changes that no medicine would be able to accomplish. It has to do with basic
health. What's in your blood? Have you had a blood test lately? You're going to
find that even that may have changed. Oh, your blood type hasn't changed, but
the balance of other attributes did because of what you're eating.
Now here's
what I want to tell you about these things that is important. If these things
are too large, some of you are feeling them profoundly and you're worried about
them. What have I told you about fear? Fear stops light. Do you really want to
stop this process of change? It's everything you have lived for, and it's
happening because you are alive in these new times. If you wish to continue, the answer, dear
ones, is stop fearing the light that is you. Understand that an energy that you
didn't expect is here. That was number five.
The Time
Capsules and Planetary Evolution
Number six:
Six is a divine number. It refers to the Higher-Self and many other attributes
that speak of a spiritual system with appropriateness and compassion. The time
capsules of this planet are opening and starting to deliver to you a great
amount of fast-tracking energy of spiritual evolution that can't be explained
yet. If you ask, "What are they?" The answer is, "Yes." We
have spoken of this before as well.***
Dear ones,
the wisdom of the ancients told you that you cannot as yet define the master
number 44 in numerology and master numbers beyond it. The reason is because you
do not have the consciousness yet to understand what they are. You don't know
what you don't know. If you can accept this, and can understand that there are
things not yet knowable, then you're going to be fine with number six.
The time
capsules from the ancient ones who seeded you are opening because you passed
the marker of 2012. They pour their multidimensional attributes into the grids
of the planet [the Magnetic Grid - Crystalline Grid - Gaia Grid]. They pour new
energy of life through fast-track evolution. All this is picked up first by the
old soul, and the things that I have covered - one through five - are
facilitated by that. They are catalytic energies that you don't know about yet,
which will eventually be responsible for evolved thought and increased wisdom.
Years from now you will even have names for them in psychology.
things all have to do with common sense and wisdom. However, more than that, a
kind of knowing will start to occur that eventually humanity will accept as
"the way of it", and they will call it new Human nature. Compassion
will increase and change what the public wants to watch in movies, television
and on the Internet. Increased wisdom will slowly show itself. The propensity
for maturity and peace on Earth has begun. As described before, the old energy
of the planet will fight it to the end, trying to keep the old ways alive. The
old ways will lose, and old energy will not reincarnate as old. Slowly, it will
be eliminated, just like grade school was eliminated from your personal life as
you moved on.
propensity for health and long life will blossom, and much will be revealed and
changed to allow this. Spiritual awareness for the masses will come much later,
as common sense of the Human race begins to "connect the dots". I
told you this would be difficult, since many of you have seen the future as
some kind of spiritual explosion. It won't be. It will be a common sense slow
awareness change that will lead to other awareness. This is the way it works.
An energy
that goes around the planet will eventually become how you think and will
change humanity to a lighter, higher vibrating group of souls. In the process,
poverty and disease will diminish, social issues will become more balanced,
tolerance will be at a new higher level, and new invention will make survival
much easier. None of this will have anything to do with perceived spirituality.
Not yet.
So, here
will sit the atheist and the agnostic who will know about longer life, peace on
Earth and compassion. Yet they won't associate it with anything from the
"outside". This is because, for them, it will be intellectual,
intuitive and the way it is. They will call it new advanced Human nature, and
they won't know where it came from. Not yet. The intellectuals will look back
on history and say we had the barbaric age until 2012, when Humans started to
become wiser. In 100 years, you'll look back and see a humanity that was far,
far different and far more violent. Sociologists will add a new level of growth
to their chart, for it will signal a change in thinking that hadn't ever been
seen before. It will be seen as the end of Human immaturity and the beginning
of a wiser humanity. But for a long time, there will be no consensus on
"God inside". Instead, there will be more tolerance between belief
But you and
I will know the reason for the changes. The time capsules are opening and they
are pouring to you the energy of a catalytic realignment of consciousness. It
comes from your seed parents the Pleiadians, who have love for you beyond
measure, like a parent would have for a child, but vastly different. The pride
they have of you passing the marker, watching you go through the gyrations of
dark and light, is familiar. For it's what they did. They have watched how you
deal with that which is still dark on your planet, and how much your heart
hurts at what you see and the death that is there. They are silent, for free
choice is yours alone on how fast to change the planet, and you are working the
puzzle, as they did.
knowingness that all things recycle, and the appropriateness of lessons
learned, will give you greater wisdom. All of this is pouring into the grids
right now. It's hard to talk about this because you don't know what you don't
know. Your seed parents have seen it and they know where it is going, and
they're breathless, watching you open the door to what they also experienced.
This is
going to take a while, but you opened the door, and as time goes on, you're
going to have a revelation of what it's all about. You wonder why I am Kryon,
in love with humanity? I just told you, because I've seen it before. So have
the others - Orion, Arcturian and other names that you've heard before. They
have all been through it; all watching you now; all celebrating your life right
now. Some of you will understand and know I'm right, and others will walk out
tonight, or get up from their chairs, and have this information barely
perceived or not at all. That's free choice and it's honored; it's honored so
much, for all of you. There is no judgment from Spirit. If you walk away and
you think this was a nice meeting and nothing more, you have the same number of
angelic beings walking out the door with you that the healer for centuries
does, or that the shaman does. Each Human is created equal. This means that all
of you have the same spiritual potential - the realization of Creator inside.
That is the message for the day. Oh, Human Being, this is not your father's new
age. It's your new age.
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